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State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

04 July, 2024



Public consultation of draft market analysis documents (markets for call origination at fixed locations and traffic transit in public telephone networks, identification and designation of JSC “Moldtelecom” as SMP provider)


The National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) placed on its Web page, for public consultations the analysis of the markets for call origination at fixed locations (Market 2 - doc. in state language) and for traffic transit in public telephone networks (Market 9 - doc. in state language), the draft Administrative Board Decisions on identification of the two markets (doc. in state language) and designation of JSC „Moldtelecom” (doc. in state language) as an SMP provider on these markets. The deadline for recommendations as to the consulted documents is May 14, 2013.


ANRCETI takes part in ICT policy workshop on mobile innovation policy


Representatives of the National regulatory agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) are taking part in a two-day policy workshop for government official, regulators and business leaders in Yerevan, Armenia (April 22 - 23).


ANRCETI presented report on electronic communications market evolution in 2012


In 2012, for the second time in a row, the market for internet access at fixed and mobile locations has been top second among the most dynamic electronic communications markets, currently being one of the main drivers of information society building in Moldova. This is a message conveyed by Sergiu Sitnic, ANRCETI Director, in a press conference Monday, April 15th, when ANRCETI Report (in translation process) on Electronic Communications Markets Evolution in 2012 was presented.


ANRCETI approved term for number portability launch in mobile networks


Providers of public mobile services and networks are placed under the obligation to ensure, jointly with the Centralized Data Base (CDB) Administrator, the technical launch of number portability in mobile networks as of May 1, 2013 and commercial launch – as of July 1, 2013. This is a provision of an ANRCETI Administrative Board Decision (doc. in state language), through which a previous Board Decision was modified – no. 41 (doc. in state language) of 11.10.2012, on approving the Action Plan for number portability implementation in the Republic of Moldova.


Public session for approval of Terms of Reference for 2500 - 2690 MHz license auction


ANRCETI Administrative Board is announcing public session to approve the Terms of Reference and the Announcement (docs in state language) for 2500-2520/2620-2640 MHz sub bands license auction to be used for the provision of public electronic communications broadband radio access networks/services, to take place Thursday, April 11, 14.00, ANRCETI Office (134 Stefan cel Mare bd., 5th floor, conference Room).
