Contact Information

bd. Ştefan cel Mare, 134 MD-2012, Chisinau Republic of Moldova

of. 503
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State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

27 July, 2024

Fees Paid by Providers to the Agency



General data

ANRCETI is a central public authority for regulation of electronic communications market, information technology and postal communications, functioning under the status of a legal person with autonomous budget.

Pursuant to Art. 12 of the Law on Electronic Communications no. 241-XVI din 15.11.2007, with subsequent amendments, ANRCETI budget is formed from the following sources:
a) Regulatory and monitoring fees;
b) Fees for allocated numbering resources
c) Other sources as provided by law.

ANRCETI budget for the following year is approved by the Administrative Board annually, before November 15, within the limit of necessity to ensure proper activity and financial independence of the regulator. The budget execution is verified annually by an independent audit, whose report is submitted to the Government, before March 1 of the year following the reporting period.

ANRCETI financial reports for previous years are available on its official web page, Reports Section.


Regulatory and monitoring fees

ANRCETI determines the amount of regulatory and monitoring fees for electronic communications and postal communications for the upcoming year at a level sufficient to cover the costs necessary to ensure its activity as required by law

According to Art. 12 (3) of the Electronic Communications Law no. 241-XVI of 15.11.2007, the amount of regulatory and monitoring fees for electronic communications for the upcoming year is determined based on the estimated volume of revenues from electronic communications activities, which is up to 0,3 percent of the estimated revenues.

The amount of regulatory and monitoring fees in the field of postal communications for the upcoming year is established according to Art. 36 (1) of Law No. 36 of 17.03.2016, which is up to 0,1% revenues of a postal service provider, revenues derived from postal service provision in the previous year.

Non-payment of regulatory and monitoring fees represents a violation of legislation an dis punishable in accordance with the provisions of Contravention Code no.218-XVI of 24.10.2008, with subsequent amendments.


Electronic communications sector

Under the provisions of Art. 12 of the Electronic Communications Law no. 241-XVI of 15.11.2007, electronic communications network and/or service providers are required to pay to ANRCETI regulatory and monitoring fees, calculated according to the amount established by ANRCETI by its decision, which is published annually by November 1, in the Official Gazette Moldova.

The regulatory and monitoring fees are paid pursuant to the Instructions, approved by ANRCETI Administrative Board Decision no.17 of 02.06.2010, with subsequent amendments. According to the Instructions:
- Electronic communications networks and/or service providers present to ANRCETI, before the 10th of the month following the reporting quarter, the Report on revenues from activities in electronic communications, by filling out a standard form according to Annex to the Instruction;
- ANRCETI calculates the amount of the regulatory and monitoring fee and provides the invoices, according to the calculated amount, which are due to be paid;
- Electronic communications networks and/or service providers make the payments based on invoices to ANRCETI current account, on quarterly basis, before the 15th of the month immediately following the reporting quarter, or within 3 working days after the invoice was received. Where the sum of the fee, calculated by ANRCETI is lower than 100 lei, the invoices will be sent cumulatively for a longer period of time, however, they will not exceed the reporting year.

The amount of the regulatory and monitoring fee in electronic communications for 2019 was established by ANRCETI Administrative Board Decision no. 27 of 19/10/2018, as 0,3 percent of the revenue generated from activities in electronic communications.

Additional information: phone number + 373 22-251-336, e-mail:


Postal communications sector

According to Art. 36 of the Law on Postal Communications no. 36 of 03/17/2016, postal service providers are required to pay to ANRCETI regulatory and monitoring fees, calculated based on the amount established by ANRCETI decision, which is published annually by November 1 in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova.

The regulatory and monitoring fees are paid by postal service providers pursuant to the Instructions, approved by ANRCETI Administrative Board Decision no.16 of 21.07.2016.
According to the Instructions:
- postal service providers present to ANRCETI annually, before January 20, the Report on the revenue from postal service provision for the previous year (reporting year), by filling out a standard form according to Annex to the Instructions;
- ANRCETI calculates the amount of the regulatory and monitoring fee and regulatory and monitoring fee and provides the invoices, according to the calculated amount, which are due to be paid;
- postal service providers make the payments to current ANRCETI account, based on invoice, before January 25 following the reporting year.

The amount of regulatory and monitoring fees for postal communications sector for 2019 was established by ANRCETI Administrative Board Decision no. 28 of 19.10.2018, as 0,1% of revenues derived from the provision of postal services in 2018.

Additional information: phone number + 373 22-251-336, e-mail:


Fees for numbering resources

According to the provisions of Art. 63 (2) of the Law on electronic communications no. 241-XVI of 15.11.2007, the numbering resources allocated for public electronic communications networks and services are managed by ANRCETI in accordance with the National Numbering Plan and the recommendations issued by international bodies that the Republic of Moldova joined are allocated against a fee, according to tariffs established and approved by ANRCETI.

The right of use of numbering resources is granted by means of licenses, issued by ANRCETI under the licensing procedure laid down in the Regulation on general authorization regime and license issuance for the use of limited resources for the provision of electronic communications networks and services, approved by Administrative Board Decision no. 57 of 21.12.2010, as amended and supplemented, in accordance with Art. 25 and Art. 26 (2) of the Law on Electronic Communications Act no. 241-XVI dated 15.11.2007, in conjunction with Article 8 of the Law on licensing of entrepreneurial activity 451-XV from 30.07.2001 and other relevant regulations.

The electronic communications network and/or service providers are required to make the payments according to the Procedure for administration of telephone numbering resources, approved by ANRCETI Administrative Board Decision No.58 of 21.12.2010, with the subsequent amendments

According to the mentioned Procedure:
- ANRCETI sends out the invoice for numbering resources requested by providers within 3 working days from the date a decision was adopted in this respect;
- Starting with the year following the year of numbering resources allocation, the invoices for the use of numbering resources are issued and sent out to providers by February 1 yearly;
- Providers are required to pay the fees for numbering resources within 30 calendar days 30 from the date the corresponding invoice was issued by ANRCETI.

The tariffs for the use of numbering resources were approved by ANRCETI Administrative Board Decision no. 59 of 21.12.2010, subsequently amended by Administrative Board Decision no. 21 of 23.08.2011, no.65 of 26.09.2013 and no.47 of 06.10.2014.

For additional information, please, call +373 22-251-336, e-mail:

Changed: 15/03/2019