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State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

03 July, 2024

International Sector Institutions

International Telecommunications Union

International Telecommunications Union (ITU) is a sector authority, part of the United Nations Organization (UNO), based in Geneva, Switzerland. It is the focal point for governments and private sector members of UNO for coordination of the ICT sector development worldwide.
ITU was created on May 17, 1865. Originally it was established as the International Telegraph Union. The creation of this international institution was conditioned, mainly, by the necessity of adopting a regulatory framework to enable communication between telecommunications service users across countries. The ITU membership includes member states, observers, regulators as well as operators, research laboratories, equipment manufacturers and other similar entities.
ITU’s main objectives are:
- Promotion of sustained growth and development of efficient ICT networks and services, especially in developing countries;
- Facilitation of universal access to ICT networks and services for people everywhere, especially to the disabled;
- Provision of assistance and tools to member states involved in the creation of institutional and organizational environment and resources, engaged in activities meant to accomplish the above-mentioned targets;
- Collection, processing and making available of information, details and statistics pertaining to ICT for the purpose of offering support to member states in setting and promoting a progressive and well-documented policy.
The Republic of Moldova became ITU member on October 20, 1992.
Additional information about ITU is available at:


BEREC - the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications

The European Regulators Group for electronic communications networks and services was set up in January 2010, through a Regulation of the European Commission and Council to provide a suitable mechanism for encouraging cooperation and coordination between national regulatory authorities and the Commission, in order to promote the development of the internal market for electronic communications networks and services. To build on this experience, the ERG will now be replaced by the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC). BEREC and its support Office were created within the recently approved reform of the EU Telecom rules to improve the consistency of implementation of the EU regulatory framework.

BEREC shall:
a) develop and disseminate among NRAs regulatory best practice, such as common approaches, methodologies or guidelines on the implementation of the EU regulatory framework;
b) on request, provide assistance to NRAs on regulatory issues;
c) deliver opinions on the draft decisions, recommendations and guidelines of the Commission, referred to in the Regulation (EC) No 1211/2009, the Framework Directive and the Specific Directives;
d) issue reports and provide advice, upon a reasoned request of the Commission or on its own initiative, and deliver opinions to the European Parliament and the Council, upon a reasoned request or on its own initiative, on any matter regarding electronic communications within its competence;
e) on request, assist the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the NRAs in relations, discussions and exchanges with third parties; and assist the Commission and NRAs in the dissemination of regulatory best practices to third parties.

BEREC is made up of a Board composed of the heads of the 27 NRAs and is assisted by an Office. The Office is a Community Body managed by a Management Committee in which all NRAs and the Commission are represented. The first meetings of the Board of Regulators of BEREC and the Management Committee of the Office were held in Brussels on 28 January 2010.

Additional information about BEREC and its activity is available at:


European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT)

The European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations - CEPT - was established in 1959, in the Arrangement Establishing CEPT that provides for the membership of sector administrations from European countries, ITU members in order to coperate on commercial, operational, regulatory and technical standardisation issues. In 1988 all CEPT telecommunication standardisation activities were transferred to European Telecommunications Standardization Institute (ETSI).
Republica Moldova became CEPT member in 1992.
Additional information about CEPT is available at:



CIS Regional Communications Community

The Regional Communications Community (RCC) within CIS was created in 1991 by telecommunications administrations of CIS member countries. The mission of RCC is to contribute to cooperation between CIS countries in the field of electronic and postal communications, based on principles of sovereignty and mutual interest. ANRCETI is participant to the Commission of Coordination of Communications Regulators Activity, created as part of RCC.
Additional information about CRC is available at:

Changed: 9/09/2014