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State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

04 July, 2024

Congratulations on World Telecommunications and Information Society Day!

The Administrative Board of the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) has the pleasure to congratulate the Agency staff and all the ICT sector employees on the World Telecommunications and Information Society Day, an event annually celebrated on May 17th by about 200 states members of the International Telecommunication Union.

Dear colleagues!

We are pleased to see that the professional holiday of ICT workers is observed by more and more people, many of whom are beneficiaries of public services offered within a developing information society. We are contented that the number of beneficiaries of these services is growing and the proportion of the ICT sector within the national economy has become increasingly important. This is a logical result of the daily work of ICT employees, who provide modern and high quality services to our fellow citizens. 

ANRCETI appreciates your effort, professionalism and contribution to build-up an information society for all citizens of Moldova. Also, the Administrative Board assures that ANRCETI will make every effort to ensure continued equal conditions for all electronic communications market "players", to stimulate competition and investment, protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers of services.

On this occasion, dear colleagues, we are conveying sincere good wishes for the professional holiday, wishing all of you success, creative energy, wealth and new achievements in the work you do for the prosperity of your company / institution, for the good of the country and every single citizen.

ANRCETI Administrative Board

May 16, 2013

Changed: 16/05/2013