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State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

22 July, 2024

Universal Postal Service

Art. 21 of Law No.36/2016 provides that every natural or legal person has the right to use postal services within the scope of universal postal service. The universal postal service means the permanent provision of a set of postal services of a specified quality in all areas of the country at affordable prices for all users. The access of any natural or legal person to the universal postal service is guaranteed throughout the country under non-discriminatory conditions.

Law no.36/2016 establishes the set of services within the scope of universal postal service, the manner of its financing, the requirements and conditions to be ensured by the universal postal service provider in order to provide these services.

The following services are included in the scope of universal postal service:

a) clearance, sorting, transport and distribution of domestic and international postal items up to 2 kg;

b) clearance, sorting, transport and distribution of domestic and international packages up to 10 kg;

c) distribution of packages up to 20 kg, sent from outside Moldova to an address on the territory of Moldova;

d) domestic and international registered mail service;

e) domestic and international insured mail service;

f) clearance, sorting, transport and distribution of domestic and international cecograms up to 7 kg.

By Law No.36/2016, SE “Posta Moldovei” was designated as the universal postal service provider, under the obligation to ensure the conditions prescribed by the law for the provision of postal services within the scope of universal postal service. Also, SE "Posta Moldovei" was designated as the official operator in Moldova for providing postal services according to international treaties to which Moldova is a party and under Law No.36 / 2016.

In accordance with Art. 31 of Law no. 36/2016 Î.S. "Poșta Moldovei" has the obligation to ensure the analytical record in the financial accounting separately for the services within the scope of the universal postal service and separately for those beyond it. This involves the distribution of production costs for services within the scope of the universal service and beyond it in accordance with the provisions of the ANRCETI Administrative Board Decision no. 24 of 29.09.2016.


Changed: 27/02/2023