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State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

04 July, 2024



Number of Subscribers to Multi-Channel TV Services decreased by 3,6 thousand in the First Six Months of 2013


Statistical data on the evolution of multi-channel TV service market (cable, satellite, IPTV and MMDS), published today by the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI), show that in the first half of 2013 there occurred a slight decrease in the number of subscribers to these services against a slight increase of revenues from sales of these services. The total number of subscribers reduced, compared to the end of 2012, by 1,3% (3,66 thousand) and constituted 281,2 thousand, whereas the revenues on this market segment increased over the corresponding timeframe of 2012 by 2,5% and totaled 82,7 mil. lei.


Companies Orange Moldova and Moldcell Complied with Requirements of Removing Deviations from Number Porting Rules


The National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) informs that JSC Orange Moldova and JSC Moldcell complied with the prescriptions issued by ANRCETI on July 30, 2013, by which the regulator required that they stop and afterwards admit no deviations from the requirements of regulatory documents in force as regards to number portability in R. Moldova.


Number Of Mobile Broadband Subscribers Grew By 17% In First Half Of 2013


Statistical data on subscribers and Internet access technologies published on the Web page of the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) show that in the first half of 2013 the number of mobile broadband subscribers (via modems and data cards) increased more than three times faster than the number of fixed broadband subscribers. In this timeframe, the number of mobile broadband subscribers increased by 30,4 thousand (+17%) and accounted for over 208,8 thousand, whereas the number of fixed broadband subscribers – by 22,7 thousand (+5,5%) and reached 439,9 thousand.


Revenues from fixed telephone service sales dropped by 14% in half-year of 2013


Statistical data on the evolution of fixed telephone market, published by the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) show that in the half-year of 2013, the trend of diminishing revenues from sales of fixed telephone services against the slight increase of the number of subscribers has become more prominent. The total volume of sales on this market segment dropped by 14% (- 108,7 mil. lei), as compared to the same timeframe of 2012 and made about 666,4 mil. lei, whereas the number of subscribers to fixed telephone services increased by 0,7% (8,9 thousand) in half-year, reaching 1 mil. 214,7 thousand.


On July 1, 2013, mobile telephony penetration rate exceeded 120%


In the first half of 2013, the number of mobile telephony users increased over the end of 2012 by over 215,5 thousand or by 5,28% and exceeded 4 mil. 295,6 thousand, whereas the penetration rate of these services per 100 inhabitants increased by over 6 percentage points (p.p.) and reached 120,7%, show the data available with the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) on the evolution of the mobile telephony market in the first half of 2013.
