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State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

05 July, 2024



Joint Revenues of Fixed and Mobile Broadband Providers Increased Over 18% in First Half of 2014


Statistical data on the evolution of the market for fixed and mobile broadband in the first half of 2014 published today by ANRCETI show continuously increasing number of subscribers and revenues. The number of subscribers to mobile broadband (via modems and data cards) grew more than 16,6 thousand (+6,4%) and exceeded 276,2 thousand; the number of fixed broadband subscribers - 18,7 thousand (+4%) up to about 486 thousand. The total number of subscribers to these services increased by 35,5 thousand (+4,9%) up to 762,2 thousand, the turnover of these services - by 93,5 million lei (+18.4% ) and exceeded 601,6 million lei.


Efficient Use of Spectrum allocated by ANRCETI Will Enhance Competition and Maximize Benefits for Consumers


The implementation, starting with November 6, of new licenses for the use of 800, 900 and 1800 MHz spectrum, recently granted to the three mobile providers, will start a new stage of development of the national radio communications sector and promote innovative mobile broadband services, which fact will facilitate the work and daily life of citizens. This was the message delivered by the Director of the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI), Grigore Varanita, during a press conference on Tuesday, Sept. 2, held at ANRCETI.


Fixed Sales Turnover Down by 9,2% in First Half of 2014


ANRCETI published the statistical data covering the evolution of the fixed market in the first half of 2014. The data show that the number of fixed subscribers kept the same level as last year (+0,03%), the fixed traffic dropped 11,8% (down to 1 billion 360,2 million minutes), the sales revenues dropped 9,2% down to 502,4 million lei.


Over 2,9 Billion Minutes Used on Mobile Phones in First Half 2014


In the first half of 2014, the total volume of mobile voice traffic grew over the same timeframe of last year by 11,2% and exceeded 2,9 billion de minutes, the monthly average traffic per mobile user was 206 minutes or three hours 26 minutes, which is 6,2% increase. These are the statistical data about the evolution of the mobile market in the first half of 2014, published by ANRCETI.


ANRCETI issued decisions to grant eight licenses for the use of frequencies available in 800, 900 and 1800 MHz bands


The Administrative Board of the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) issued decisions to grant eight licenses for the right to use radio spectrum, available in the frequency bands 800 MHz, 900 MHz and 1800 MHz by the three mobile providers (JSC "Orange Moldova", JSC "Moldcell" and JSC "Moldtelecom"), for the provision of public terrestrial cell mobile services. These decisions were issued based on applications from the three providers, at the end of last week.
