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State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

05 July, 2024

Number of License Holders for the Right to Provide Electronic Communications Networks and Services Increased by 3.7% in 2014

In 2014, the number of businesses that obtained the right to provide publicly available electronic communications networks and/or services under the general authorization regime increased, over 2013, by 3.7% and reached 50. According to the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI), on January 1 the number of businesses registered in the Public Registry of Public Electronic Communications Network and Service Providers, held by ANRCETI, reached 531.

The absolute majority of businesses, entered in the Registry in 2014 - 35 - chose to provide both public electronic communications networks and services, 13 – only networks, 2 – only services. Most businesses intending to provide public electronic communications networks decided to operate terrestrial fixed access networks. The most popular public electronic communications services are Internet (21) and broadcasting (16) services.

As of 01.01.2015, from the total number of businesses registered in the Public Registry of Public Electronic Communications Network and Service Providers, 460 – have the right to provide networks and 445 – services.

ANRCETI has been applying the general authorization regime for electronic communications activities since 2008. Thus, a person or entity intending to provide publicly available electronic communications networks and/or services needs to submit a notification to ANRCETI and start business. Within 7 days of notification, ANRCETI issues a standard informative declaration confirming the receipt of notification and entry in the Public Registry of Providers, as well as the general authorization conditions prescribing the rights and obligations of the provider.

The general authorization procedure is free and the right to provide networks and services is granted for unlimited time.

January 21, 2015

Changed: 21/01/2015