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State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

03 July, 2024

Radio Frequency Spectrum (RFS)

Under the Law on Electronic Communications no. 241 of 15.11.2007, with subsequent amendments (hereinafter: - Law 241/2007), the Agency issues, to providers authorized under the given Law, licenses for the use of radio frequencies or channels for the provision of electronic communications services, in compliance with certain technical parameters provided for in license conditions.

License applicants need to fill in and submit to the Agency an declaration/application form (Annex no.2 to the Administrative Board Decision no.54 of 28.12.2017 - doc. in state language), available at the Agency office on downloadable from its Web site. Upon receipt of such applications, the Agency has the right to verify the applicant’s possibility to comply with all the conditions related to the right to use a radio channel or frequency. For this purpose, the applicant may be asked to provide information to prove his capacity to comply with such conditions. Where the applicant fail to provide the requested information, his application may be rejected.

A network provider, intending to concede one or more licenses, shall submit to ANRCETI an application, which shall be a filled-in Form (doc. in state language), supplemented by additional documents, as listed in Art. 9 of the Procedure for Concession of Licenses (doc. in state language) for the Use of Limited Resources, approved by Administrative Board Decision no.08 of 25.02.2010.

Licenses for the use of radio frequencies and channels for providers of radio or television networks and/or stations are issued by the Agency on basis of an application, supplemented with the copies of broadcasting license or re-transmission authorization and the approval for the assignment of the radio frequency or channel, issued by the Public Institution "National Service for Radio Frequency Management and Cyber Security”, which includes the result of selection, calculation and coordination of the radio frequency and channel, requested for use. Where licenses, the number of which are limited, are issued by direct commitment, the applicant needs to submit an application with the attached business plan that shall include an abstract description of the networks and/or service, quality parameters and service provision conditions, the technical and financial capacity of the applicant to implement the proposed project and to meet the license conditions.

Where licenses, the number of which are limited, are issued through a tender, the applicant needs to provide, additionally to the afore-mentioned documents, other documents and information, as required by the Terms of Reference for organisation and holding the tender.

The decisions regarding license issuance for the use of radio frequencies or channel are taken and made public by the Agency as soon as possible after complete application has been submitted, but not later than after 6 weeks, except licenses issued as a result of a tender, the term for which is 8 months at maximum.

According to Art. 26, par. (24) of Law 241/2007, where the requirements regarding the transmission, form and content of the declaration for license issuance are observed, as well as where the results of verifications of the provided data are positive, the Agency shall adopt the license issuance decision within 30 days from the date the declaration was submitted. This provision does not apply to licenses issued by means of an auction.

The licenses for radio frequencies and channel use are valid for 5 years from the issuance date (including also the timeframe for which the license was suspended), except for:
a) licenses for radio frequencies and channel use issued under the condition of limited number of licenses, the validity period of which shall be 15;
b) licenses for the use of frequencies or channels for radio and television networks and/or stations in the frequency bands not covered by the international treaties, to which the Republic of Moldova is a party for the implementation of digital terrestrial television; such licenses are issued for the same validity term as the broadcasting licenses or retransmission authorization;
c) licenses for radio frequencies use, issued for networks intended for experiments or occasional transmissions of publicly available electronic communications services, the validity period of which shall be 6 months at most;
d) licenses requested for a period shorter than 5 years;
e) licenses for the use of radio channels or frequencies issued in situations where the number of licenses is limited, for which the term of validity established by the Government is shorter than 5 years.

The issuance of licenses, copies and duplicates, license updating and modification is free of charge. Licenses for the use of radio frequencies or channels, the number of which is limited are issued for a fee, set by the Government, which goes to the state budget.

For additional Information, please, contact: tel: +373 22 251-319, e-mail:

Changed: 6/07/2023