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Information and Anti-Corruption
Hotline: 080080080


State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

05 July, 2024



Public Consultations On Draft Auction Documents For 2100 MHz Spectrum License


The National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) has placed on its website for public consultations, four draft Administrative Board Decisions for the auction of licenses for the use of radio frequencies 1900-1920 MHz, 1920-1980/2110-2170 MHz and 2010-2025 MHz, conventionally named the 2100 MHz frequency band, in the provision of public electronic communications terrestrial mobile services. The consultation will last through July 30, 2015, which is the deadline for recommendations on the proposed draft documents.


Most Common Contraventions In Electronic Communications In First Half Of 2015


According to a report by the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI), the nature and number of contraventions recorded by ANRCETI, acting as acknowledging Agent, following the inspections performed in the first half of the year, significantly changed compared to same period of 2014. The number of contravention reports concluded by ANRCETI reduced more than 1,5 times: from 27 to 16, in most cases referring to businesses.

Of the 16 contravention reports, six referred to natural persons, the rest – to legal entities. All the reports were submitted for examination to court in Chisinau.


Number of Electronic Communications Service Consumers Requesting ANRCETI’s Assistance Continue Growing


In the first half of 2015, the number of consumers of electronic communications services requesting assistance from the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) by means of petitions, hearings and calls to the ANRCETI hotline 080080080 increased compared to the same period of last year more than 1,5 times up to 208 people, according to a report on petitions processed in the first half of 2015.


ANRCETI Starts Public Consultations of Draft Documents for 800 MHz and e900 MHz Spectrum License Auction


The National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) published on its website, for public consultation, four draft Administrative Board Decisions with reference to the license auctions for band 790-862 MHz band, conventionally called 800 MHz band, and licenses 880-890/925-935 bands, conventionally called e900 MHz band, to be used in the provision of public terrestrial mobile electronic communications networks and services. The consultations will run through 22 July 2015, which is the deadline for recommendations on the proposed draft documents.


ANRCETI Makes Results of Planned Inspections Performed in II Qtr. 2015 Publicly Available


In the timeframe April - June 2015, the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) performed planned 24 inspections of the activity of electronic communications network/service providers, in which they verified the compliance with normative acts relevant for electronic communications. The inspections were carried out in accordance with the Schedule, developed according to the Law on State Control over Entrepreneurial Activity, approved by the ANRCETI Director and published on ANRCETI official website.
