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State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

04 July, 2024

ANRCETI established its priorities for 2012

During 2012, the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) is planning to develop and adopt 24 regulatory acts and 5 draft amendments to a number of previously approved decisions. This objective is laid down in the Program (in state language) for Regulatory Document Development in 2012, which adds to the Plan of activity (in state language) of the regulator for the current year. Both documents are available on the Internet page of ANRCETI.

It is for the first time that the Program was developed by the Agency, for the purpose of ensuring the predictability of its regulatory activity and facilitating the access of interested persons to the information about its initiatives in developing regulatory documents in 2012. The draft document was subject to public consultations and updated with the proposals from electronic communications providers, considered by the Agency as justified. Among these are the draft documents on tariffs for termination of calls to non-geographic numbers independent of location, modification of the Transfer Procedure of licenses authorizing the use of limited resources and decision on new system of statistical report delivery.

The Agency priorities for 2012 are focused on three main spheres of activity: enhancing the competition on the electronic communications market by promoting ex-ante regulation of SMP providers, adoption of normative documents regarding the implementation of number portability, development and enforcement of the regulations meant to ensure the legal rights and interests of end users.

In the first semester of the year, the Agency intends to complete the first round of market analysis for the two last relevant markets (market for physical access to facilities associated to electronic communications networks and the market for access of end users to the public telephone networks at fixed locations) enlisted among the 10 other markets defined by the Agency as susceptible to ex-ante regulation and proceed to the second round of market analysis of four relevant markets (no. 3, 4, 5 and 7). In this timeframe the Agency intends to modify and make additions to the Regulations on Interconnection – a normative document of utmost importance for the relations between operators in terms of provision of interconnection and access services.

In the first quarter of 2012, the Agency will approve the „Procedure for organizing and conducting tender to select centralized data base administrator for number portability implementation” and the Terms of Reference for this tender. After the data base administrator is designated, the Agency intends, within two months, to adopt the „Technical and Commercial Conditions” for the implementation of number portability. According to the Program for number portability implementation in the Republic of Moldova for 2011 – 2013, this exercise is to be completed in mobile networks by the end of 2012.

In terms of users’ rights protection, the Agency plans (in the first quarter) to operate modifications to one of its previous decisions on quality indicators for the provision of audiovisual program services.

According to the Program, the Agency will develop, within 6 months, after the Government Issue the decrees in this respect, a number of special regulations for the implementation of technologies of access to 2500-2690 MHz and 3600-3800 MHz frequencies, terrestrial digital television, Single National Emergency System and universal service.

The Explanatory Note to the Program states that the Program may be subject to modifications and additions, provided that the Law on Electronic Communications nr.241/2007 or other laws governing the sector are amended.

February 13, 2012

Changed: 15/02/2012