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State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

04 July, 2024

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Consultations on draft Administrative Board decision on imposing special obligations on JSC „Moldtelecom” as provider with significant market power on two other relevant markets


The National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI – has placed on its Web page, for public consultations, draft administrative Board Decisions on imposing special ex-ante obligations on JSC “Moldtelecom” in connection with SMP on two other wholesale markets: the market for the provision of terminal segments (market 6) and the market for the provision of leased line trunk segments (market 8), regardless of the technology used to make available leased or reserved capacity (docs in state language). The consultations are scheduled to last through December 1, 2011, the deadline by which stakeholders are required to present their recommendations and comments.


Public Session to Approve Standard Statistical Reports Forms for Providers of Electronic Communications Networks and/or Services


The Administrative Board of the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI – is inviting stakeholders to a public session, scheduled for Thursday, November 17, at 14.00, to review and adopt the draft (doc. in state language) ANRCETI Administrative Board approving the standard statistical report forms for providers of electronic communications networks and/or services. The session will take place at ANRCETI office, 5th floor, Conference Room, (134, Stefan cel Mare).


Ex-ante obligations on JSC „Moldtelecom” to facilitate competition on two more relevant markets


The National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI – established a number of special ex-ante obligations for JSC „Moldtelecom” as the company has significant market power on two relevant markets: the market for call origination at fixed locations (translation in progress) in the fixed telephone network (market no.2) and market for traffic transit (translation in progress) in fixed telephone networks (market no.9). ANRCETI Administrative Board Decisions to this effect entered in force on the date they were adopted - 01.11.2011 - and will be published in the Official Gazette.


Other two categories of frequencies can be used license-free


Holders of personal mobile analog and digital radio equipment (PMR-446) under emission power up to 500 mW are entitled to use certain frequencies without a license or technical permit for that effect. This is a provision of the Administrative Board Decision of the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) No. 29 of 02.11.2011 (doc. in state language), issued to complete Decision 126 of 02.06.2009 on radio frequency categories the use of which is not subject to general authorization regime and is allowed without priorly obtaining a license or a technical permit.


ANRCETI established amount of regulatory and monitoring fee for 2012


The Administrative Board of the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI - established, through a Decision, the amount of the regulatory and monitoring fee for 2012, as 0,26% of the revenue generated from electronic communications activities performed by electronic communications networks/service providers. The Decision was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova on October 28, 2011.


