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Situation on: 05.09.2016 Update period: IInd quarter, 2016. |
Structure of the market, in terms of revenues obtained by providers (thousand lei)
Market shares of providers, in terms of turnover
Market Shares of fixed Broadband Operators, by Turnover
Evolution of Revenues Generated from Fixed Internet Access and Data Transport Services, mln. lei
Evolution of Fixed Broadband ARPU (lei/month)
Evolution of Number of Broadband Subscribers by Access Technology, thousand
Structure of Broadband Services Market, by Access Technology
Shares of Fixed Broadband Operators, by Number of Subscribers
Evolution of Fixed Broadband Access Penetration Rate
Evolution of Number of Broadband xDSL Subscribers, thousand
Evolution of Number of Broadband FTTx Subscribers, thousand
Chart 1. Structure of the market, in terms of revenues obtained by providers (thousand lei)
Chart 2. Market shares of providers, in terms of turnover
Chart 3. Market Shares of fixed Broadband Operators, by Turnover
Chart 4. Evolution of Revenues Generated from Fixed Internet Access and Data Transport Services, mln. lei
Chart 5. Evolution of Fixed Broadband ARPU (lei/month)
Chart 6. Evolution of Number of Broadband Subscribers by Access Technologies, thousand
Chart 7. Structure of Broadband Services Market, by Access Technology
Chart 8. Shares of Fixed Broadband Operators, by Number of Subscribers
Chart 9. Evolution of Fixed Broadband Access Penetration Rate
Chart 10. Evolution of Number of Broadband xDSL Subscribers, thousand
Chart 11. Evolution of Number of Broadband FTTx Subscribers, thousand