Contact Information

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Information and Anti-Corruption
Hotline: 080080080


State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

27 July, 2024

General authorization

As defined in the Law on Electronic Communications the notification is a declaration to be submitted by a natural or legal person to the regulator, stating the intention to start electronic communications network and/or service provision and a minimum set of information necessary to keep in place the Public Register of Electronic Communications Networks and Service Providers.

The notification procedure is set forth by the afore-mentioned Law and the Regulations (doc. in state language) on General Authorization Regime and License Issuance for Use of Limited Resources for Provision of Public Electronic Communications Networks and Services, in force since September 15, 2008 and modified on 04.02.2011. The services related to the notification procedure are offered by the Agency free of charge.

As established by the procedure, a natural or legal person intending to provide electronic communications networks and/or services needs to submit a notification to the Agency stating this intention, at least 7 days before the date scheduled for launching the activity. The notification procedure provides for filling-in a special Notification Standard Form (Annex no.2 to the Regulations) and a Form of electronic communications network/service abstract description (Annex no.3 to the Regulations), documents developed and approved by the Agency and available both at the Agency office and on its official Web page (all published annexes are in state language).

The notification Standard Form includes the information to be presented by the applicant in order to become authorized to provide electronic communications networks and services. This information is presented according to the following categories:
a) data identifying the provider and enabling communication;
b) abstract description of types of networks and services, intended for provision;
c) the date scheduled for launching the activity.

The notification and the form can be delivered to ANRCETI in the following ways:
a) by submitting personally or through a legal representative of the provider or person intending to provide public electronic communications networks and/or services, under signature;
b) by registered mailing with return receipt to confirm delivery;
c) by an electronic entry, signed with an authentic digital signature, based on a public key certificate, unsuspended and unrecalled at the moment of signature.

The notification will be successfully carried out provided that all the requirements in terms of delivery, form and content have been fulfilled. Otherwise the Agency, within 7 days from the date the notification was received, is supposed to require that the applicant duly meet all the requirements.

The Agency, in maximum 7 days from the date the notification was submitted, shall provide the applicant with the general authorization conditions and with an Informative Standard Declaration (Annex no.4 to the Regulations - in state language) to confirm notification receipt and his being registered in the Public Register of Providers of Electronic Communications Networks and Services.

Any modifications applied to the initial notification shall be notified to the Agency within a 10-days established timeframe. The providers intending to stop service provision are bound to inform the Agency and the users at least 30 days before cessation of activity.

The provider may renounce the right granted through the general authorization by filing in to the Agency an application thereto (Annex no.5 to the Regulations - in state language).

The person that has undergone the notification procedure under the law is authorized to provide only the types of electronic communications networks and/or services specified in the notification, having all the rights and obligations as established by law and written out in the general authorization conditions. The provider has the right to use the electronic communications networks for broadcasting and re-transmission of audiovisual programs only following the authorization procedure as required by the legislation governing audiovisual sector.

For additional Information, please, contact: Aliona Morari, tel. +373 22 251 315, e-mail:

Changed: 11/02/2020