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State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

03 July, 2024


The National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) published on the official website the Guide on submitting notifications/applications for the issuance of permissive documents by ANRCETI (hereinafter – the Guide). The Guide is intended for providers operating in the field of electronic communications, as well as for natural and legal persons intending to run activities in this field.

This Guide has been developed under the Electronic Communications Law no. 241/2007 in correlation with the Law on Regulation of Entrepreneurial Activity through Authorization, no. 160/2011 and the Law on Implementing the Principle of Single Window in Conducting Entrepreneurial Activities No. 161/2011. The document provides guidance in the process of preparing notifications for the provision of publicly available electronic communications services and/or networks, as well as applications/declarations for the issuance, extension, updating of licenses for the use of limited state resources (radio frequencies/channels and numbering resources).

The Guide is structured in five units that contain recommendations on how to correctly fill in the electronic forms, as well as information on how to submit notifications/applications for obtaining permissive documents:
1) by an electronic entry, under an electronic signature based on a public key certificate, unsuspended or unrevoked at the moment of application, including through the public services portal of the Automated Information System for Management and Issuance of Permissive Acts ( SIA GEAP) or at the e-mail address of ANRCETI;
2) by submitting, at the SingleWindow of ANRCETI, personally or by a legal representative;
3) by registered mail service with confirmation of receipt.

According to the Nomenclature of Permissive Acts issued to natural and legal persons for running entrepreneurial activity (Annex no. 1 to Law no. 160/2011), ANRCETI issues the following permissive acts: the general authorization for the provision of electronic communications networks and/or services, the authorization for installation, operation, management, maintenance and/or removal of electronic communications networks at the state border, licenses for the use of radio frequencies/channels and licenses for numbering resources for the provision of electronic communications networks and/or services.

At the same time, in the circumstances the pandemic situation in the country, ANRCETI encourages the applicants for permissive documents to submit the notifications/applications via the public service portal

Contact phone numbers for additional information: 022 251 377, 022 251 306.

November 16, 2020

Changed: 20/11/2020