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State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

27 July, 2024

Number Of Mobile Broadband Subscribers Grew By 17% In First Half Of 2013

Statistical data on subscribers and Internet access technologies published on the Web page of the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) show that in the first half of 2013 the number of mobile broadband subscribers (via modems and data cards) increased more than three times faster than the number of fixed broadband subscribers. In this timeframe, the number of mobile broadband subscribers increased by 30,4 thousand (+17%) and accounted for over 208,8 thousand, whereas the number of fixed broadband subscribers – by 22,7 thousand (+5,5%) and reached 439,9 thousand.

In the first half of 2013 JSC Orange Moldova connected the biggest number of new mobile broadband subscribers – over 19,3 thousand, followed by JSC Moldcell – 8,6 thousand and JSC Moldtelecom (under UNITE brand) – 2,5 thousand. On July 1, 2013, JSC Orange Moldova had a total of 105,9 thousand mobile broadband subscribers, JSC Moldcell – 65,6 thousand and JSC Moldtelecom – 37,3 thousand. In this timeframe, the total volume of mobile broadband traffic increased over the same period of 2012 by 32,4% and totaled 10 million 109,9 thousand GB. The average monthly revenue generated by a mobile broadband subscriber was 8,6 GB.

According to the data presented by 50 providers of fixed broadband access, in the reporting timeframe, the biggest number of new subscribers – 16,7 thousand – were connected to the network via FTTx (Fiber to the premises) technologies. The net connections via xDSL (Digital Subscriber Line) networks increased by 2,1% and made 4,2 thousand, whereas via cable TV – by  4,1% and made 956. On July 1, 2013, the share of Internet subscribers connected via xDSL was 47,1%, via FTTx networks – 46,8% and via cable TV – 5,6%.

JSC Moldtelecom connected the biggest number of fixed broadband subscribers – 18,2 thousand. LLC Starnet and LLC „Sun Communications” connected 3,8 thousand and accordingly, 1,1 thousand new subscribers. However, the subscriber base of the other 47 providers as a total decreased by 0,3 thousand. The fixed broadband penetration rate per 100 inhabitants, in this period of time, grew by 0,64 percentage points and exceeded 12,3%.

ANRCETI’ data show that in the mentioned timeframe, the revenues of the three mobile network providers from mobile broadband services increased over the same timeframe of 2012 by 28,3% and were estimated at 132,6 mil. lei. The total volume of sales by the 50 providers of data transmission and fixed broadband increased by 20,9% and exceeded 460 mil. lei, the bulk of which – over 374,7 mil. lei being generated from fixed broadband access services. The average monthly revenue per user (ARPU) for mobile broadband was 112,2 lei, and for fixed broadband 145,1 lei.

The market shares of the three mobile broadband providers are as follows: JSC Orange Moldova – 40,9%, JSC Moldcell – 37,3% and JSC Moldtelecom – 21,8%. On the fixed broadband market the shares are divided as: JSC Moldtelecom” – 71%, LLC Starnet – 15,4% and JSC Orange Moldova – 3,1%.

More data on the evolution of the broadband service market in the first half of 2013 are available on ANRCETI Web page:, section Statistical Data.

August 30, 2013

Changed: 2/09/2013