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State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

04 July, 2024

Number of SIM Card Holders exceeded 4 Million

According to the statistical data reported to the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) by the three mobile operators (JSC “Orange Moldova”, JSC „Moldcell” and JSC “Moldtelecom”), on October 1, 2012 the total number of SIM cards held by mobile users exceeded 4 million. As per the same date, the number of active mobile users reached 3 million 469 thousand, the number of passive ones (those who have not consumed nor paid for any mobile service during the last three months) was 409,3 thousand.

The same data show that in 9 months of 2012 the penetration rate of these services per 100 population increased over the end of 2011 by 9,4 p. p. and reached 113,8%. This level is by 14,2 p. p. lower than the mobile average rate in Central and Eastern European countries, where this indicator is 128%.

In the timeframe under report, the mobile voice traffic increased compared to the 9 months of 2011, by about 7,9% and reached 4 billion minutes. 68,4% (2 billion 757,2 million minutes) of the total voice traffic referred to the traffic in operators’ individual networks, showing an increase over the same timeframe of 2011 by 8,5%. The traffic to fixed and international networks increased by 25,6% (126,9 million minutes) and by 8,7% (119,7 million minutes) accordingly, whereas the traffic to other mobile networks increased only insignificantly – by 0,2% (266,9 million minutes).

In January – September 2012, a mobile user placed, on average, monthly calls of 117 minutes (one hour and 57 minutes), decreased by 11,2% compared to the same timeframe of 2011. The monthly Internet traffic generated by a mobile consumer and by a mobile dedicated Internet user was on average 41,8 MB and 15 GB accordingly.

In this timeframe, the total volume of revenues from mobile services increased over the 9 months of 2011 by 2,8% and exceeded 2 billion 746,1 million lei. JSC “Moldtelecom” had the most significant sales increase – 41% – the sales reaching 130,3 million lei. The revenues of „Moldcell” increased by 2,8% and made 699,7 million lei, those of JSC “Orange Moldova” – by about 1% constituted 1 billion 916,1 million lei. However, the average monthly revenue per user (ARPU) decreased, compared to the end of 2011, by 3,8% and constituted about 84,4 lei: the ARPU of JSC “Orange Moldova” – 107,8 lei, of JSC „Moldcell” – 55,9 lei and JSC “Moldtelecom” – 60,3 lei.

In 9 months of 2012, the market shares of the three mobile operators did not undergo significant changes. The highest market share in terms of revenue – de 69,4% – was held by JSC “Orange Moldova”. JSC „Moldcell” and JSC “Moldtelecom” held 25,5% and 5,1% accordingly.

Other data with reference to the evolution of mobile market in the timeframe January – September 2012 are available on, section Statistical Data.

November 27, 2012

Changed: 4/12/2012