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State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

27 July, 2024

Number of mobile users exceeded 3,4 million

As per September 30, 2011 the number of mobile users exceeded 3 million 427,3 thousand, whereas the penetration rate per 100 residents increased to 96,3%, as shown in the data available with the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) with reference to the evolution of market segment in 9 months of 2011.

In this timeframe, the number of mobile users increased by 8,3% over the number registered as per January 1, 2011 and the penetration rate increased by 7,5 percent points.

The three mobile service providers connected to their networks over 262,3 thousand new users, distributed as follows:
- JSC „Moldcell” – over 137 thousand,
- JSC „Orange Moldova” – over 69,9 thousand;
- JSC SA „Moldtelecom”, (providing mobile services under UNITE brand) – more than 55,4 thousand.
Thus, as per September 30, JSC „Orange Moldova” had over 2 million 69,6 thousand users, JSC „Moldcell” – more than 1 million 171,2 thousand and JSC „Moldtelecom” – 186,6 thousand.

In the reporting timeframe, the dynamics of sales revenues of the three mobile providers was below the rate of increase in the number of users. JSC „Orange Moldova” increased sales by about 37,9 million lei (+2%) to a total of 1 billion 897,7 million lei, SA „Moldcell” – by 67,9 million lei (+11 %) to a total of 680,7 million lei, JSC „Moldtelecom” – by 23,9 million lei (+35%) to a total of 92,4 million lei.

Following this development, the average revenue per user (ARPU) decreased, as compared to the 9 months of last year, by 9.4% and equaled 95.17 lei. This indicator for JSC „Orange Moldova” was 110.68 lei, for JSC „Moldcell” – 72.3 lei and for JSC „Moldtelecom” – 62.32 lei. This decrease was caused by reduced tariffs for end users as well as tariffs for call termination on mobile networks

According to the data submitted to ANRCETI for the reporting 9 months, in terms of turnover, the largest market – 70.8% – was owned by JSC „Orange Moldova”, followed by JSC „Moldcell” and JSC „Moldtelecom”, with 25.8% and 3.4% market shares. As per the number of users, the market shares were distributed as follows: JSC „Orange Moldova” – 60.4%, JSC „Moldcell” – 34.2% and JSC „Moldtelecom” – 5.4%.

Additional information on the development of the mobile market in nine months of 2011 is available on the Agency website:, section Market Evolution.

November 21, 2011

Changed: 23/11/2011