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State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

05 July, 2024

Number of Users Accessing Mobile Internet via 4G Networks Increased 34,7% in First Qtr of 2015

Statistical data about the evolution of mobile Internet access services in the first quarter of 2015 published by the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) show that the number of users accessing the Internet via 4G mobile networks increased compared to the same period of last year by 34,7% and constituted about 35,4 thousand, while the number of mobile broadband users (dedicated access via modems/cards/USB) increased by 4,8% and totaled more than 1 million 245,8 thousand. The penetration rate of this service per 100 population increased by 1,6% and equaled 35% the end of the first quarter.

According to the data reported by the three providers of public mobile communications networks and services (Orange Moldova, Moldcell and Moldtelecom), the total number of users who accessed mobile Internet during the mentioned timeframe (via phone/smartphone, modems/cards/USB) was 1 million 722,5 thousand, while the penetration rate of this type of Internet access reached 48,5%.

The same data show that the Internet traffic at mobile locations increased over the same timeframe of 2014 by 43% up to 9,6 million GB. As a result of this increase, the average monthly traffic consumption (AUPU) per user accessing the Internet via telephone/smartphone was 256,3 MB (+178%), while the average monthly traffic consumption of a user accessing the Internet via modems/cards/USB (dedicated mobile Internet) was 9,9 GB (+17%).

ANRCETI specialists explain the increasing Internet traffic via mobile phone by the fact that more and more subscribers use smartphones (which have more advanced technical features) and the 3G and 4G mobile network operators extend the coverage of territory and population with Internet access services at higher speeds.

The data reported by providers show that Moldovans more and more frequently access mobile broadband at higher speeds. Thus, from the total number of broadband mobile Internet, 1,28 million used 3G technology, 42,2 thousand – 4G technology, of which 7,8 thousand – via modems/cards/USB. As for way of access, 82,9% users accessed mobile Internet via mobile/smartphone, the rest 17,1 % – via modems, cards or USBs.

In the timeframe concerned, the total volume of revenues from services of mobile Internet access increased 16,5% up to over 133,5 million lei. The revenues of „Moldcell” went up by 21,2% and reached 31,5 million lei, the ones of „Orange Moldova” – by 16,2% up to 78,6 million lei and of „Moldtelecom” – by 11,4% up to 23,3 million lei. However, the monthly average revenue per user of dedicated mobile Internet dropped by 0,8% to 95,8 lei.

According to ANRCETI estimations, as per March 31, 2015, the three providers of mobile Internet access had the following market shares by turnover: „Orange Moldova” – 58,9%, „Moldcell” – 23,6% and „Moldtelecom” – 17,5%.

Other data on the evolution of the mobile Internet access market in the first quarter of 2015 are available on ANRCETI Web site, Statistical Data Section.

June 16, 2015

Changed: 18/06/2015