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Information and Anti-Corruption
Hotline: 080080080


State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

05 July, 2024


In April-June 2014, ANRCETI specialists made 36 planned inspections of the activity by providers of electronic communications networks and services, targeted at assessing their compliance with the relevant normative acts. The inspections were conducted under Law on State Control over Business Activity, in accordance with the schedule of inspections, as approved by ANRCETI Director and published on ANRCETI website.

The findings showed that of the 36 inspected providers, 17 – provide electronic communications services in a law-abiding manner, three – are not engaged in electronic communications service provision and do not intend to launch any activities of a different kind. Upon ANRCETI recommendation, they requested waivers for the rights granted by ANRCETI. Two providers (IM "TVTEL" LLC and "NIPOL-NET" LLC) were not found at their postal addresses, as indicated in the Public Register of Electronic Communications Network and Service Providers, kept by ANRCETI.

However, breaches were found in the activity of the other 14 inspected providers, as follows:

- Nine providers (IM "NOVA-STRO" LLC, LLC "PAGER Telecom" LLC "VICTACON-PLUS", LLC "VITGRAND", LLC "GORCOMDONR", LLC "REDVARIS", LLC "VICTIANA", LLC "MOLDISTEMAUTOMATIC" and FCC "Micul Samaritean") failed to submit to ANRCETI statistical reports and reports on revenues from electronic communications activities, as required by law;

- Three providers (LLC "TEHSEMNAL" IM "UTI SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL" and LLC "EXTRALAN") did not comply with the general authorization conditions (modified data without notifying ANRCETI, within the prescribed terms);

- A provider (LLC "SWS Soft") failed to pay the fee for the use of numbering resources assigned by ANRCETI;

- A provider (LLC "Oldim") admitted false information in the reports on revenues from electronic communications activities, presented to ANRCETI.

Practically, all the providers found to have admitted breaches complied with legal requirements within the deadlines set by ANRCETI, excepting two: LLC "SWS Soft", who removed the breach only after ANRCETI issued prescription in this regard and LLC "Gorcomdorn", who refused to sign the inspection reports, for which fact ANRCETI initiated a sanctioning procedure.

During July-September 2014, ANRCETI specialists will make 33 planned inspections. Their addresses are shown in the schedule of inspections for the third quarter of 2014, published on the ANRCETI website. The inspections will be focused, in particular, on verifying the compliance of providers to the Regulation on Public Electronic Communications Service Provision, approved by ANRCETI Administrative Board Decision no. 48 of 09.10.2013, effective since

February 15, 2014

Changed: 10/07/2014