Within the framework of implementing the Spectrum Management Program for 2021-2025, ANRCETI took the necessary steps to make additional radio frequency bands available to electronic communications operators to expand customer service capacities, including frequencies used for the deployment of new generations of mobile electronic communications technologies, such as 5G.
The frequency blocks designated to be offered to operators are encompassed within the 700 MHz, E900 MHz, 1500 MHz, 2300 MHz, 2600 MHz, 3600 MHz, and 26 GHz bands.
To provide clarity on the conditions for future applicants, the first step in this complex process is to establish the criteria for accessing licenses in each of the offered frequency bands. These criteria are needed in order to maintain an appropriate level of competition on the electronic communications market and ensure efficient use of the offered frequency blocks. The draft Decision of ANRCETI Administrative Board, which establishes these limitations, was made available for public consultation on the www.anrceti.md website on February 16, 2024.
The frequency bands outlined in the draft Decision are those established in Government Decision No. 987/2020, which is compliant with the European Commission (EC) regulations, CEPT, ECC/REC, ECC/DEC, ERC/REC, the National Frequency Band Allocation Table (TNABF), approved by State Radio Frequency Commission Decision No. 11/2000, and the International Telecommunication Union Radio Regulations (ITU RR), an integral part of the ITU Statute ratified by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova under Decision No. 993/1996.
Limiting the number of licenses for the mentioned radio frequencies is an action required by national and European legislation and is primarily necessary to maximize benefits for users of electronic communications services (availability, quality, affordable prices), stimulate competition on this market, promote efficient use of the radio frequency spectrum, and avoid harmful interference with networks operated by other entities using the radio spectrum in accordance with the law.
The draft Decision includes both licenses for the use of radio frequencies unclaimed in previous allocations and licenses for new frequencies offered for assignment for the purpose of providing publicly available terrestrial broadband mobile/fixed networks and services.
February 23, 2024