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State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

03 July, 2024


The National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) announces a public meeting for Friday, November 19, 2021, at 10.00, to examine and submit for approval two draft decisions: 1) draft decision on ex-ante regulatory measures for the market of traffic transit in public telephone networks (Market 9);
2) draft decision to modify some previous Administrative Board decisions.

The draft analysis (.pdf) of the market of traffic transit in public telephone networks and the one regarding the ex-ante regulatory measures on this market (Market 9) were subject to public consultation between in the timeframe 25.10.2021 - 15.11.2021. No comments or proposals on these drafts were submitted to ANRCETI.

According to the Informative Note to the draft documents, ANRCETI, after conducting the analysis of Market 9, found that this market is still susceptible to preventive regulation, and JSC “Moldtelecom” continues to have significant power on this market. Thus, following the analysis, ANRCETI came to the conclusion that it is necessary to maintain the special ex-ante obligations, previously imposed on this provider.

The draft document regarding the modification of some Administrative Board Decisions concerns two decisions: 1) Board Decision no. 24/2016 on approving the Methodology of production costs allocation for reserved and unreserved postal services and 2) Board Decision no. 25/2016 on the approving the Methodology of setting tariffs for postal services in the sphere of universal postal service. The modification of these decisions was imposed by the amendments operated to the Law on Postal Communications no. 36/2016, by Law no. 41/2020. This draft decision was subject to public consultation in the timeframe 20.10.2021 - 05.11.2021. No comments or proposals on these drafts were submitted to ANRCETI.

The Informative Note to the draft document states that, according to the amendments, the Methodology of production costs allocation for reserved and non-reserved postal services will be renamed as Methodology of production costs allocation for services within and outside the universal postal service.

At the same time, changes were made to the form of reporting, as regards the information presented by State Company "Posta Moldovei" on the distribution of costs, revenues and capital employed, by excluding from reports the separation of costs, revenues and capital employed per reserved and non-reserved services. Thus, following the approval of this document, State Company “Posta Moldovei” will present the reports separately only for services within the scope of the universal postal service and for services outside the scope of this service, as well as for other postal services.

The public meeting will take place online, via the Zoom application. The links for access to the public meeting can be obtained in the time slot 09.00-09.55, the e-mail address: or by ph. 022-251-355.

November 16, 2021

Changed: 17/11/2021