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State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

03 July, 2024


The National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) announces about one more subject added to the Agenda of the Administrative Board public meeting on July 1, 2019 - approval of draft Regulation regarding the organization and functioning of the Dispute Resolution Council hereinafter - Council) within ANRCETI.

The project was publicly consulted in the timeframe March 4th - March 25th this year. The recommendations and proposals on the draft document can be found in the Summary of Objections, Proposals and Recommendations.

According to the Information Note, this draft regulates the activity of the Council for the purpose of examining the preliminary applications for the contestation of verification and / or its results, submitted by the entrepreneurs running business in the areas of ANRCETI competence and which have been subject to state control, In accordance with Art. 30 of Law no. 131/2012.

As of April 2019, the date of entry in force of the Administrative Code of RM no. 116/2018, which repealed the Law of Administrative Court no. 793/2000 and the Law on Petition no. 190/1994, the examination of the preliminary requests by the Council shall be exercised exclusively according to the Administrative Code.

The Council has an advisory role in the procedure of examination of preliminary appeals and consists of ANRCETI director, who is also the Chairman of the Council, the heads of ANRCETI subdivisions, the representative of the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure and at least three representatives of business associations. More details about the mentioned documents can be obtained by calling 022 251 337, 022 251 309.

June 28, 2019

Changed: 4/07/2019