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State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

03 July, 2024

Violation of rules for protection of electronic communications lines and installations led to penalties on several legal entities and individuals

In 2019, the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI), as a fact-finding entity for contraventions in the areas falling under its competence, identified 67 such cases. The contravention cases were started by ANRCETI in relation to 44 legal entities, 21 natural persons and 2 persons holding liability positions.

Thus, as a result of examining 58 contravention cases, ANRCETI specialists found violations of rules for protection of electronic communications lines committed by 41 individuals and legal entities, who were subject to fines, according to art. 250 section (6) of the Contravention Code (CC), from 30 to 240 conventional units (c.u.), (from 1500 MDL to 12000 MDL), the amount of fines reaching 198500 MDL.

Also, 4 individuals and legal entities were sanctioned for the unauthorized connection or the admission of unauthorized connection to the electronic communications networks. For committing these offenses, fines were applied, based on art. 252 of the CC, from 30 to 300 c.u. (from 1500 MDL to 15000 MDL), the sum of the fines totaling 19500 MDL.

ANRCETI also issued sanctioning decisions on 3 cases of installation or use of radio stations, including broadcast antennas, without coordination with the authorized body and without an authorization, 2 cases of non-compliance with the general authorization conditions, 1 case for non-observance of the prescription requiring to remove breach of obligations established under the general authorization conditions and 1 case of unauthorized provision of electronic communications networks or services.

For these violations, the offenders were fined with 32100 MDL. The total amount of the fines applied in 2019 totaled 250,100 MDL, the respective amount being fully paid to the national public budget.

At the same time, 6 contravention cases were terminated, for various reasons: expiry of the prescription timeframe, finding of the contravention during control procedures, lack of the factual contravention.

ANRCETI is empowered to find contraventions in the fields of electronic communications, postal communications and labor safety, to make contravention reports, as appropriate, to examine the contravention cause and apply sanctions as provided by CC, starting March 16, 2017, when the amendments to this Code came into force.

January 24, 2020

Changed: 3/02/2020