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State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

03 July, 2024


The National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) published on the official website, for public consultation, four draft decisions of the Board of Directors:

1) draft decision on approving Specifications for the auction of licenses for the use of radio frequencies 450, e900 and 2600 MHz, accompanied by the Informative Note;
2) draft decision regarding the limitation of the number of licenses for the use of radio frequencies in the 450 MHz frequency band, accompanied by the Informative Note;
3) draft decision on approving Special Standard License Conditions for the use of frequencies/radio channels from the 450 MHz frequency band;
4) draft decision on approving amendments to the Special License Conditions for the use of radio frequencies/channels in 2500-2690 MHz frequency band, for the provision of public terrestrial mobile electronic communications networks and services for broadband radio access.

The draft decisions were developed based on the provisions of the Law on Electronic Communications no. 241/2007, with subsequent amendments, and in order to ensure the implementation of the Radio Spectrum Management Program for the years 2021-2025 and the minimum exposure values of generic frequency blocks for allocation through the competitive selection procedure, approved by Government Decision Moldova no. 987/2020.

30 April 2021 is the deadline for submitting recommendations on draft regulations under consultation.

Interested persons are invited to send comments and recommendations, in written form, by mail to ANRCETI: bd. Ştefan cel Mare, 134, MD-2012, Chisinau, by fax: 022-222-885 and/or at the e-mail address: Contact: 022-251-303, 022-251-337.

April 16, 2021

Changed: 18/06/2021