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State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

04 July, 2024

Public consultations: draft decision on evaluation of criteria for selecting providers eligible to apply for licenses for the use of national short numbers 116000, 116111 and 116123

The National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) has placed on its Internet page, for public consultations, the draft (doc. in state language) Administrative Board decision which provides for the grid of scores to evaluate the criteria of selecting providers of electronic communications networks and services eligible to obtain licenses for the use of the following national short numbers: 116000, 116111 and 116123. The consultations are scheduled to last through March 7, 2012, this date being the deadline for comments and recommendations.

The draft document provides for the grid of scores to evaluate the mentioned criteria and for the method of criteria evaluation. Previously, in the Procedure of national short number allocation to services of social character harmonized at European level of 116(xxx) form, approved by Board decision no.18 of 12.07.2011, the Agency established five evaluative criteria for the selection process of eligible providers to obtain the mentioned licenses.

According to the document, these criteria are to be evaluated, depending on the importance of one or more criterion, by means of a scoring system from 0 to 50 points, as follows:
1. Nature of service provided by the applicant – up to 20 points;
2. Potential degree of accessibility of the harmonized service – up to 20 points;
3. Applicant’s experience in the implementation of short national numbers – up to 5 points;
4. The provider’s capacity to ensure the implementation of the service for which the number is allocated and ensure compliance with the specific conditions for the use of numbers – up to 50 points;
5. Term for the activation of the number – up to 5 points.

According to the Explanatory Note (doc. in state language), the development of this document is motivated by the need to ensure the access of the end users to emergency services for children and the transparency of ANRCETI decision-making process with regards to the implementation of the services of social character harmonized at European level.

According to the National Numbering Plan, 116000 will be used as „emergency hotline for missing children”, 116111 – „helpline for children” and 116123 – „emotional support helpline”. The Agency will announce these numbers as open for allocation within 10 days from the publication of the Decision under public consultation.

Interested stakeholders are invited to provide comments and recommendations, in written form, by postal service to the address: 134 Stefan cel Mare bd, MD-2012, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, by fax: (0 22) 222-885 and/or to the e-mail address: Telephone: 251-312.

February 15, 2012

Changed: 17/02/2012