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State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

04 July, 2024

Public session for approval of Terms of Reference for 2500 - 2690 MHz license auction

ANRCETI Administrative Board is announcing public session to approve the Terms of Reference and the Announcement (docs in state language) for 2500-2520/2620-2640 MHz sub bands license auction to be used for the provision of public electronic communications broadband radio access networks/services, to take place Thursday, April 11, 14.00, ANRCETI Office (134 Stefan cel Mare bd., 5th floor, conference Room).

According to the Explanatory Note (doc. in state language), the draft document was subject to public consultations on the Agency’s Web page in the timeframe March 26 – April 8. However, no comments or recommendations have been received by ANRCETI as regards the given document.  

The document was developed by ANRECETI Pursuant to the Law on Electronic Communications, the Spectrum Management Program for 2013 - 2020 and Government Decree no. 365 of 06.06.2012 on development of public electronic communications broadband radio access networks/services.

The Program provides that ANRCETI make available the sub-bands of the 2500-2690 MHz band, which were not assigned according to the Government Decree no. 365 of  06.06.2012, i.e. 2500-2520/2620-2640 MHz, that, according to the mentioned Decree, are to be auctioned by ANRCETI.

The criteria for the selection of a license holder for the mentioned sub-bands are set out in the draft Terms of Reference. The document contains the requirements for the auction application and the bid, the eligibility criteria and method of estimating the candidates' qualifications, the technical conditions for the use of the auctioned sub-bands.

The auction will be open, based on the comparative selection procedure. It will be held in accordance with the Procedure (doc. in state language) for organizing the auction for radio frequencies/channels licenses for the development of public electronic communications broadband radio access networks/services, a document approved by the ANRCETI Board Decision no. 11 of 28.03.2013.

The License issued to the winner will attest his right to use, on basis of IMT-2000/UMTS (WCDMA) and/or LTE and/or IMT-Advanced technologies, the sub-bands 2500-2520/2620-2640 MHz for the provision of public electronic communications cell mobile terrestrial broadband wireless networks/services – 4G. 

The license holder will be required to meet special license conditions (doc. in state language) for the use of the mentioned 2500-2690 MHz frequencies/channels, approved by the ANRCETI Administrative Board Decision no. 39 of 20.09.2012. Under these conditions, the license holder is liable to provide the minimum set of 4G services (data transmission, including mobile Internet access) and launch these services no later than one year from date of license issuance.

April 9, 2013

Changed: 9/04/2013