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State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

03 July, 2024

ANRCETI will attend first meeting of regulators from Eastern Partnership countries

On October 7 - 8, 2010, a delegation of the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI - led by its Director, Sergiu Sitnic, will take part in the first meeting of telecommunications regulators from Eastern Partnership countries (PaE). The meeting will be held in Vienna by the European Commission and the Austrian Telecom Regulator.

The registered participants include officials from the European Commission, the European Regulators Group for Electronic Communications (BEREC), representatives of regulatory authorities from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine.

On the first day of the meeting, the participants will discuss the current issues regarding the implementation of the EU regulatory framework in the PaE countries, such as analysis and designation of providers with significant market power, efficient use of scarce resources, the implementation of Universal Service, etc.

On October 8th, representatives of regulatory authorities will make presentations of the electronic communications sectors in their countries, the national regulatory framework, challenges and problems faced by these authorities. The situation in the R. of Moldova in this respect will be presented by the ANRCETI Director, Sergiu Sitnic.

Also on the same day, the participants will discuss the opportunities for collaboration between regulatory authorities from PaE countries, their cooperation with the European Commission and European Regulators Group for Electronic Communications (BEREC).

BEREC is an organization founded in January 2010 by a Regulation of the European Parliament and Council. BEREC members are the regulators from EU countries. Its main objective is to develop and implement uniform regulatory practices in electronic communications at European level.

The Eastern Partnership is an initiative of regional collaboration launched by the European Union in May 2009 in order to create conditions necessary for an enhanced process of political association and economic integration of partner countries from Eastern Europe with the EU. These partner countries are: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, R. Moldova and Ukraine.

October 6, 2010

Changed: 6/10/2010