Contact Information

bd. Ştefan cel Mare, 134 MD-2012, Chisinau Republic of Moldova

of. 503
tel.:  +373 22 251 317
fax: +373 22 222 885

Information and Anti-Corruption
Hotline: 080080080


State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

05 July, 2024

Technical Regulation and Standardization Department

The mission of the Technical Regulation and Standardization Department is to develop and implement technical regulation measures to the activities pertaining to electronic communications and information technology and to ensure that appropriate standards are applied in this sector.

Basic Functions:
*     develop and implement technical regulations and standards in compliance with the electronic development strategy;
*     develop technical regulations applicable to electronic communications networks and service provision, including universal service provision, interconnection and access to associated facilities;
*     develop regulations applicable to the use of radio frequency spectrum;
*     ensure appropriate administration and management of numbering resources, develop regulations in this respect, license conditions doe the use of numbering resources and regulations on number portability;
*     develop actions targeted at technical regulation of information technology activities;
*     promote innovations and new technologies in electronic communications field; assess their impact on market development;
*     administration, management and licensing the use of numbering resources in the provision of public electronic communications networks and services;
*     licensing the use of radio channels and frequencies in the provision of public electronic communications networks and services;
*     issuance, suspension or cancellation of tehnical permits for the use of radio communications stations.




Ala BAIDAUZ – Chief of Technical Regulation and Standardization Department

Education: State University of Moldova, Faculty of Physics (1981), Public Administration Academy under the President of the Republic of Moldova (2000); International Training Program “Investing in Improvement of Managerial Skills” with the support of the World Bank (2004).

Employed with the Agency since November 2000. Previously worked for Ministry of Industry and Energy Sector and “Mezon” Production Association.

Tel.: + 373 22 251-312

Victot TĂNASE – Deputy Chief
Tel.: + 373 22 251-311, e-mail:

Natalia BUCĂTARU-ZGARDAN – Senior Specialist
Tel.: + 373 22 251-345, e-mail:

Cristina GHETLAN – Senior Specialist
Tel.: + 373 22 251-314, e-mail:

Elena NEDIN – Senior Specialist
Tel.: + 373 22 251-331, e-mail:

Andrian ŢURCAN - Coordinating Specialist
Tel.: + 373 22 251-310, e-mail:

Marina BOŞCĂNEANU – Coordinating Specialist
Tel.: + 373 22 251-319, e-mail:

Valeriu SOLTAN – Coordinating Specialist
Tel.: + 373 22 251-354, e-mail:

Changed: 4/07/2013