Contact Information

bd. Ştefan cel Mare, 134 MD-2012, Chisinau Republic of Moldova

of. 503
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fax: +373 22 222 885

Information and Anti-Corruption
Hotline: 080080080


State Institutions from the Republic of Moldova

03 July, 2024

General Description

The technical assistance project „Communications Regulatory Development”, offered to the Agency by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) was launched in October, 2009. It is estimated at about 898,3 thousand Euro and is expected to last approximately for 2 years.

The EBRD provides the technical assistance at the request of the Government of the Republic of Moldova. The project purpose is to advise the electronic communications regulator on the implementation of the new Law on Electronic Communications and harmonization of national regulatory practices in this sector with the EU norms and standards. EBRD approved the project in October 2008 and in August 2009, as a result of the selection process, designated the consultancy company GVIC from Canada to implement it. The company is executing the project in partnership with three more international companies - Incyte Consulting, Development Dynamics (DDL), McLean Foster&Co. and national company Levintsa&Associets.

The main project objective is to offer assistance in the implementation of a modern, transparent and predictable system of communications regulation, meant to comply with the EU norms and standards, in building up the Agency’s regulatory capacity.

The project will focus mainly on two issues: (i) development and implementation of regulations as provided by the Law on Electronic Communications, in force since March 2008 and harmonization of national communications regulatory practices to EU regulatory framework and ii) training ANRCETI staff in correctly applying the regulatory theory and practice, as required by European norms. Foreign experts will also analyze in detail the legislation and the regulatory documents pertaining to electronic communications in the Republic of Moldova and will advance recommendations as to their improvement.

The project specific objectives are the following:
- Review of legislation and regulatory documents for the purpose of their harmonization to the EU electronic communications framework;
- Definition and identification of relevant markets, market analysis and imposition of ex-ante regulatory remedies/measures;
- Development of cost calculations models;
- Commercial and technical aspects of interconnection and access;
- Assistance in operational regulatory activities;
- Assistance in accounting regulation;
- Assistance in regulation of interconnection and development of reference interconnection offer;
- Assistance in regulation of unbundled access to the local loop;
- Assistance in elaboration of universal service obligations;
- Training of ANRCETI staff.

The EBRD experts will also make detailed analysis of electronic communications policies and strategies and provide recommendations for their improvement.

In the project launching session the two parties involved discussed the inception report, schedule and methodology of project implementation. The parties also established the project components, created the Project Steering Group (PSG) and designated the project coordinator.

„Communications Regulation Development” is the first technical assistance project offered by EBRD to the national regulatory authority from the Republic of Moldova. At the initial stage of the regulator’s existence, it benefited from a similar project funded by USAID (United States Agency for International Development).

For additional Information call Corina Bodiu, chief of International relations and European Integration Service, project coordinator. Tel: (+373 22) 251-307, e-mail:

Changed: 24/02/2010